World eBook Library diasaskan oleh World Public Library Association pada tahun 1996. Koleksi World eBook Library sehingga kini menyimpan lebih 2 juta PDF eBook dalam 100 bahasa. World eBook Library Collection menghimpunkan 125 koleksi terbaik eBook dan eDocument yang telah diterbitkan dalam internet.

Berikut adalah ringkasan kandungan dalam World eBook Library:
Disciplines: Logic, Speculative Philosophy, Ontology, Methodology, Epistemology, Cosmology.
Disciplines: Experimental Psychology, Gestalt Psychology, Psychotropic Drugs and Other Substances, Applied Psychology, Comparative Psychology, Differential Psychology, Parapsychology, and Developmental Psychology.
Disciplines: History, Auxiliary Sciences, Forecasts of future progress, Civilization and race, Geography and civilization, Iconography, History and statistics, Biography of archivist, Technical Chronology, Heraldry, Genealogy, Biography, Portrait.
Disciplines: Religion, Psychology of Religion, Polytheism, Dualism, Pantheism, Monotheism, Comparative mythology, Religions In Relation to one other, Women In Comparative Religion, Religious Organization, Religious Doctrines, History and Principles of Religions , Sacred Books, Vedic Texts, Forms Of Worship, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity , The Bible, Semitic Religions.
Disciplines: Geography, Geographers, Methodology, History of geography, Toponymy, Topography, Aerial Geography, Travel, Voyages and travels (General) , Atlases, Maps, Mathematical Geography, Cartography, Aerial Cartography, Cadastral Mapping, Physical geography, Geomorphology, Landforms, Terrain, Hydrology, Natural disasters, Oceanography, Ocean-atmosphere Interaction, Environmental Science.
Disciplines: Anthropology, Human Ecology, Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Somatology, Ethnology, Social and cultural anthropology, Applied anthropology, Economic organization, Economic Anthropology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Folklore.
Disciplines: Recreation, Leisure, Recreation leadership, Administration of recreation services, Recreational areas and facilities, Recreation centers, Camping, Physical education and training, Sports, Games and amusements, Parties, Party games and stunt, Manners and custom, Circuses, spectacles, etc., Indoor games and amusements.
Disciplines: Social Sciences, Sociolinguistics, Socio-Economics, Criminology, Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Media Studies, Medical Sociology, Political Sociology, Social Psychology, Sociobiology, and Islamic Sociology.
Disciplines: Economics, Econometrics, Finance Economics, Public Economics, Entrepreneurial Economics, Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Law and Economics, Managerial Economics, and Environmental Economics.
Disciplines: Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Modern Regression, Time Series, Probability Distribution, and Clinical Trials.
Disciplines: Political Philosophy, Political institutions and Public Administration, Local and Municipal Government, Emigration and Immigration, International Law, and International Relations.
Disciplines: Civil Procedure, Contracts, Criminal Law, Torts, Constitutional Law, Federal Litigation, Business and Commercial Law, Environmental Law, Dispute Resolution, and Family Law.
Disciplines: Education, History of education, Theory and practice of education, Special Education, Immigrants or ethnic and linguistic minorities, Bilingual schools and bilingual education, Textbooks, Student manners and customs, Elementary or public school education, Secondary education, High schools, Right to education, Moral and religious education.
Disciplines: Music, Instrumental music, Vocal music, Unidentified composition, Literature on music, Vocational guidance, Physiological aspects of music, Literature for children, Instrumentation and orchestration, Composition, Elements and techniques of music, Instrumentation and orchestration, Stringed instruments, Liturgy and ritual, School music.
Disciplines: Fine Arts, Visual arts, Architecture, Sculpture, Drawing, Design, Illustration, Painting, Print media, Decorative Arts, Arts in general, Arts centers and facilities, Study and teaching, Decorative painting, Interior decoration, House decoration, Arts and crafts movement, Other arts and art industries, Religious art, Printmaking and engraving, Wood engraving, Metal engraving, Etching and aquatint, Technique and materials.
Disciplines: Language and Literature, Philology, Linguistic, Classical philology, Oriental philology and literature, Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Languages of Oceania, Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial language, Literature, Motion pictures, French literature, English literature, American literature, German literature, Fiction and juvenile belles letter, Poetry, Prose.
Literature is the art of written works, and is not bound to published sources. Literally translated, the word literature means "acquaintance with letters" (as in the "arts and letters"). The two most basic written literary categories include fiction and non fiction.
Disciplines: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Topology, Mathematical Analysis, and Arithmetic.
Disciplines: Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Biochemistry.
Disciplines: Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics.
Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject containing many subdivisions, topics, and disciplines. Among the most important topics are five unifying principles that can be said to be the fundamental axioms of modern biology.
Disciplines: Public Aspect of Medicine, Pathology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacology, and Nursing.
Agriculture is the production, processing, marketing, and use of foods, fibers and byproducts from plant crops and animals. Agriculture was the key development that led to the rise of human civilization; with the domestication of animals and plants, creating food surpluses that enabled the development of more densely populated and stratified societies. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science.
Disciplines: Applied Science, Information and Communication, Industrial Technology, Military Science, Engineering, Health & Safety Technology, and Transportion Technology.
Military science is the study of the technique, psychology, practice and other phenomena which constitute war and armed conflict. It strives to be a scientific system that if properly employed, will greatly enhance the practitioner's ability to prevail in an armed conflict with any adversary. To this end, it is unconcerned whether that adversary is an opposing military force, guerrillas or other irregulars.
Disciplines: Naval Science, Navies: Organization, distribution, naval situation, Naval administration, Naval maintenance, Naval seaman, Marines, Naval ordnance, Minor services of navies, Navigation. Merchant marine, Naval architecture, Shipbuilding, and Marine engineering.
Bibliography (from Greek βιβλιογραφία, bibliographia, literally "book writing"), as a practice, is the academic study of books as physical, cultural objects; in this sense, it is also known as bibliology (from Greek -λογία, -logia). On the whole, bibliography is not concerned with the literary content of books, but rather the "bookness" of books – how they were designed, edited, printed, circulated, reprinted and collected.
Disciplines: Government. A government is the organization, or agency through which a political unit exercises its authority, controls and administers public policy, and directs and controls the actions of its members or subjects. Typically, the term "government" refers to the civil government of a sovereign state which can be either local, national, or international.
Disciplines: Marketing, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management, Finance Management, Operations Management, Conflict Management, Business Management, Project Management, Critical Thinking, Business Strategy, Business Development, Business Plan, Leadership, Innovation Management, Quality Management
-------------------------------Disciplines: Electronic Commerce, Banking, Insurance, Investment Banking, Econometrics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Taxation, Finance, and Financial Markets
Disciplines: Accounting, Banking, Corporate Finance, Finanial Regulation, Insurance, Investment Managment, and Public Finance.
Astronomy is a natural science that deals with the study of celestial objects (such as stars, planets, comets, nebulae, star clusters and galaxies) and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere (such as the cosmic background radiation). It is concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of celestial objects, as well as the formation and development of the universe.
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